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Showing posts from 2018

Even God Needs Inbound Call Center Services

We don’t know if god exists. We don’t know if angels exist. But, we do know that Google exists. And for most of us, it is the closest thing to god. In the past, people used to pray to the deity to find solutions to their troublesome problems. They still do that, but a major section of population trusts Google over god any day of the week and twice on Sunday. So, does that make Google the new god? Maybe, maybe not! The jury is still out on the verdict; however, we are not sure about the result. Well, maybe we should Google that too. Whatever be the result of your search, we can agree on one thing – technology has overtaken many age old beliefs and people trust it like never before. However, technology itself is prone to failure and that too in a big way. Do you know that on January 31, 2009 Google started identifying every single website on the World Wide Web as malware? And to make matters worse, it even started treating its own homepage as a malware. Probably, this is why Goo...

Things You Did Not Know about Outsourcing Outbound Call Center Services

Things You Did Not Know about Outsourcing Call Center Services Outsourcing has been a part of business operations for a long time. Long before India and other Asian countries took center stage and began to handle offshore operations from around the globe, outsourcing already began in the crewing operations done in the 18 th century. In the past, shipping crews used to lose many crew members during transit. As a result, they needed to hire new resources from the places they traveled to. It all started as a necessity, but later ship operator began to admire the quality of workforce from different corners of the world. The variation in skills, stamina and working capabilities of different groups of people made outsourcing an integral part of the shipping operations. As of now, O utbound Call Center Services have become popular amongst entrepreneurs; however, there are still some companies that do not agree with this phenomenon. These organizations still doubt its credentials ...

Tips to Find Best Call Center Outsourcing Company for Your Business

In the recent times, call center outsourcing has developed into a major phenomenon employed by many organizations for enhancing their business operations. Financially rewarding and hassle-free, outsourcing allows a company to move their calling and Back Office Service   operations outside their premises. If you are contemplating about outsourcing your customer service operations but are unsure about it, then have a look at some of its major benefits, which may help you make your decision: 1.       Financial Rewards – Offshore outsourcing provides you tremendous financial benefits. To make the most out of your outsourcing endeavors, always select a country with an inferior currency value to maximize the financial returns. You will get a workforce capable of doing the same task at considerably low remuneration, which will help you grow financially. 2.       No Burden of Creating or Managing Infrastructure – Building an...

Call Center India Outsourcing for Leveraging Businesses

The practice of outsourcing businesses has become popular amongst organizations across the globe. However, outsourcing should be done with great care to ensure maximum rewards and minimum risks. One of the most successful ventures in terms of outsourcing has been C all Center India Outsourcing by premier companies in the western world. The organizations that have trusted call center operations in India have been rewarded by enhanced efficiency in their operations at reduced costs. Advantages of Call Center Outsourcing India Apart from the obvious financial benefits, an outsourced call center in India can provide you the following advantages: 1.      Improved Efficiency – The workaholic workforce in India is renowned for its efficiency. An outsourced call center in India can handle a large number of calls and operate effectively. Well-educated Indians with comprehensive subject-matter expertise ensure proper handling of even the most complex of cases. ...