Call centers have remained an integral part of business operations for almost half-a-century. With time, their roles have changed considerably. From being the mere face of a business operation, call centers have now become niche-oriented and deal in specific services e.g. order processing, customer care, technical support, etc. Moreover, the focus of a call center operation has also shifted from being product-centric to customer-centric. Why Certain Call Centers Fail in Delivering? The call centers that still operate according to past principles often fail in delivering up to the expectations. Although being product-centric is a good thing (as seen in the past), it does not hold ground anymore in the current scheme of things. The customers of today are finicky and ready to drop any product from their carts at the first glimpse of bad service. So, having a customer-centric approach is the way to go for any call center that wants to be successful. Running an In-House Call Ce...
At NEPL, we specialize in providing comprehensive call center solutions for the welfare of your business. We strive to exceed our client’s expectations and deliver quality service on all levels.